Friday, January 6, 2017

human fraction numberline

Oh-My-Lanta! I just love this group of kids and how they are growing by leaps and bounds while we do our fraction number line activities.  Students at the beginning of the year were struggling to express what the fraction 1/2 even means.  I mean they could draw it but they couldn't verbalize what it really meant. Now they are saying things like "Well I know that 5/6 is bigger than 3/4 because they both only need one more part to get to one whole but sixths are smaller pieces so it has a smaller distance to get to one whole."  Bam! No butterfly needed.  I may have shed a tear when some of my ELL babies are expressing themselves this way. They have build such a good understanding of what fractions mean with this simple activity.
So first I have a sheet or two of the large labels. Then I start going crazy thinking of the hardest fractions I can think of (well at least at the end because they were getting a little cocky). Then I usally let the whole numbers go up first so we have a baseline of where all the other fractions will fall between.  Then I give a student a label and they become that fraction.  They have to quietly find their spot on the "number line".  After they find their place I call on a couple of student and they have to say "I agree because..."  or "I disagree because..."   I also let the student justify their position to the class and they can change if others prove to them why they are not in the correct spot.   I just know I'm going to have a future politician or lawyer because they love to defend their stance.  If they are an equivalent to a fraction that is already on the number line then then stand behind them or sit in front of them.  Some days we only do seven or eight other days we go bananas and the whole class is in the number line!